
Guest of Unisaperi, Ilda Boccassini presents her book “La stanza n. 30. Chronicles of a life” 

The former magistrate of Mani Pulite converses with the journalist Lionello Mancini

Program produced by Mediateca Montanari - MEMO with THE POETRY ROOM

Thursday 18 May 2023

Marco Ferri and Franca Mancinelli present S'agli occhi credi (Vydia editore 2022) in dialogue with Rodolfo Battistini

Saturday May 20, 2023

Paolo Maria Rocco presents "Diverse worlds" in dialogue with Eugenio Schiavo

Thursday 25 May 2023

Francesco Accattoli presents La Mar (Amos editions 2021) in dialogue with Salvatore Ritrovato

All meetings will be at 18:00 At the same time as the events, the second-hand book market organized by the Friends of the Fano Libraries Association will be active.

All proceeds will be used to support the activities of the Fano Library System.

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Yoga for children aged 3 to 8 by Gaya Saltarelli

SATURDAY 6-13-20-27 MAY 2023 | from 10:15-11:00 AM

NECESSARY TO BRING: beach towel or mat, comfortable clothes, not too tight and not too hot.


Corso che si orienta nell'ambito della cultura in quanto favola, libro, lettura fino a raggiungere la parte più corporea dell'immenso mondo yoga, ovvero, gli asana tradotti in posizioni, posture. La favola con lo scopo d'insegnare o far pensare e riflettere toccando la morale ed il mondo valoriale passa a creare letteralmente i passi della storia attraverso il proprio corpo, riproponendo le figure che vi fanno parte, animali, elementi della natura, azioni, donando al corpo coordinazione, flessibilità, resistenza ed equilibrio aumentando la forza di volontà e di connessione col proprio corpo, rispetto e autostima.

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Join the ReadSharing Fest on May 6th and 7th! A two-day event that closes the "ReadSharing. Shared reading" project dedicated to girls and boys aged 14 to 18 and financed by CEPELL - Center for books and reading of the MIC - Ministry of Culture. The party at the Mediateca Montanari is dedicated to everyone, it will be an opportunity to talk about a year of work that has promoted reading on social media with high school students from Fano, but not only...