Program produced by Mediateca Montanari - MEMO with THE POETRY ROOM

Thursday 18 May 2023

Marco Ferri and Franca Mancinelli present S'agli occhi credi (Vydia editore 2022) in dialogue with Rodolfo Battistini

Saturday May 20, 2023

Paolo Maria Rocco presents "Diverse worlds" in dialogue with Eugenio Schiavo

Thursday 25 May 2023

Francesco Accattoli presents La Mar (Amos editions 2021) in dialogue with Salvatore Ritrovato

All meetings will be at 18:00 At the same time as the events, the second-hand book market organized by the Friends of the Fano Libraries Association will be active.

All proceeds will be used to support the activities of the Fano Library System.

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