
  • E-Motion Live Poetry

      Live meeting of cinema and poetry with the poet Stefano Sorcinelli

      December 2, 2023 at 5:00 pm

  • E-Motion Soundtrack Bus

      Sound alternatives for great films

      December 2, 2023 at 7:00 pm

This exhibition aims to link the two Adriatic cities of Pesaro and Fano as part of the Pesaro Italian Capital of Culture 2024 events. The works to be exhibited were chosen with extreme scruple by the curator Rodolfo Battistini, following an open chronological development, in accordance with the the poetic orientation of individual artists and their pictorial style and affinity.

On 1 and 2 December in Fano, at the Rocca Malatestiana, the first edition of “COOPEVOLUTION! From Culture4Coop to Coop4PesaroCapital of Culture", the initiative organized by Legacoop Marche, national CulTurMedia and national Legacoop, to highlight and enhance the role of culture as a driver of innovation and growth of businesses and territories, to activate virtuous relationships between cooperation and high-impact cultural events such as the Capitals of Culture, to investigate and promote the tools and regulations useful for implementing new collaborations between public and private.

The Florida Fellowship Super Choir Gospel Choir is a Faith, Family and Brotherhood group. Founded in 2017, it features over 100 singers, songwriters, conductors and musicians of all faiths and denominations from every region of the State of Florida. In 2023, under the leadership of their Founder and Executive Director, Corey Edwards they celebrated 7 years in business. They were the winners of the 2022 Large Choir category in the “How Sweet the Sound” competition, an international competition hosted by Donald Lawrence, featuring celebrity gospel judges such as Dr.

How are our forests doing? Overall they are doing well: the forest area is increasing and the number of wild animals is increasing. But the global warming of the planet induces new and very alarming atmospheric phenomena.
Biodiversity will be our lifeboat.

Daniele Zovi
writer and popularizer, expert on forests and wild animals

Like all "world works", Licht (Light), Karlheinz Stockhausen's masterpiece, is an encyclopedic, polyphonic, open, highly cultured, stratified, didactic, interminable work".

Licht is actually a Heptalogy, like, a cycle of seven different works. Each of them bears the title of a day of the week, from Monday to Sunday.

musicologist, journalist, writer

During the meeting, China's economic development path and its current fragilities, linked to slowdown in growth, youth unemployment and the real estate sector, are analyzed.

In the second part of the meeting, Marco Zecchinelli will focus on the complex relations between the European Union, its member states and China, in light of the recent opportunities for visits and dialogues between political leaders.

A collaboration between Circolo Bianchini, the European Federalist Movement and the University of Knowledge

Immergetevi nell'incanto dell'ex chiesa di San Francesco come mai prima d'ora...

Un'esperienza straordinaria di luci, proiezioni e musica che vi trasporterà indietro nel tempo. 

Sveleremo il racconto affascinante di Pandolfo III Malatesti e delle epiche vicende medievali.

Valentina Martin's book launch "Ulcere. Le mani del cuore".

"What I always wanted to know and never dared to ask about wound care: practical tips for home management".

The President of SIMITU Marche, Mario Luchetti, the Coordinator of AIUC Marche (Italian Association of skin ulcers) Tonia Lattanzi and the Councilor of the Municipality of Fano Barbara Brunori will participate in the event.