Organized by Iside srl
Ass. Arte e Musica in collaboration with Comune di Fano - Ass. alla Cultura
Show: "Limbo"
Altrascena srl in collaboration with NFUC events
Ambito Territoriale Sociale 5 Fano
in collaboration with Associazione Culturale Bobina Network and Cooperativa Opera
Final Evening Competition for musicians and singers
Ambito Territoriale Sociale 6 Fano
In collaboration with the Associazione Culturale Bobina Network and Cooperativa Opera
Theater performance written by Paolo Logli, with Claudia Campagnola and Ivana Pellicanò, directed by Norma Martelli
(National premiere)
Concert/Story: A journey between the ports of Naples, Genoa, Lisbon and... Fano, conceived and conducted by Diego Tancredi with Elisa Ridolfi, Riccardo Bertozzini, Andrea Atto Alessi.
Special guest Ciro Carbone
Before the event there will be inauguration of a pictorial space with a work by Virginio Ridolfi with music from the film Wlm Wenders.
(the exhibition will remain open until September 10)
"Bella Lavita" concert-narration inspired by the stories of Lucio Dalla
with Stefano Fucili and Piazza Grande Band
with Fabrizio Bartolucci, Damiano Trevisan, Tommy Baldini, Roberto Panaroni, Carlo Simonari
(national premiere)
show: "Little Boy: the incredible and true history of the Atomic Bomb"
with live music by Dario Giovannini
Show dedicated to Pino Daniele.
James La Motta, interpretation
Salvatore Mazzella, voice and guitars
with the "JAMmONE new band" and the participation of Tony Esposito.
Melodies and poems, where with closed eyes, you can dream and still feel alive the presence and the beautiful voice of the great Pino Daniele.