
Presentation of the book by John Betti "Good blood does not lie", the extraordinary story of Pinuccio, the son of Pinocchio

Event in collaboration with the Cultural Association @ Una Arte Fano XXI century.

The book will be presented by the author himself in the company of Samuele Giombi, Headmaster of the Nolfi Apolloni High School, and Carlo Bruscia, Artistic Director of the Diana Art Gallery

Contest creato per esprimere il talento artistico dei giovani in tre categorie:


Moderated by Francesca Tombari

Interventions of Massimo Seri, Mayor of the Municipality of Fano and Dimitri Tinti, Councillor for Welfare of Community of the Municipality of Fano

The story of a family facing diversity with strength and courage. With love and determination anyone can do it.


with the patronage of the Municipality of Fano and the collaboration of Fondazione Carifano




Mediateca Montanari – Sala Ipogea

3.45 PM Le storie d’atmosfera

Fosca Salmaso dialogues with Elisabetta Bini and Angelica Malpassi

4.45 PM Il mio più grande desiderio è essere un ragazzo: a proposito di Elsa Morante

Lectio magistralis by Angela Bubba

Pinacoteca San Domenico

Centenari: Omaggio a Italo Calvino

In support of the exhibition on Futurism entitled “Depero e i Futuristi nelle Marche" in progress at the Diana Art Gallery of Palazzo Bracci Pagani, is scheduled Friday, July 21 at 9.15 PM at the Pinacoteca San Domenico the first of three "Evenings of Futurism".

Giordano Bruno Guerri, President of the "Vittoriale degli Italiani", will entertain us talking about Gabriele D'Annunzio and Futurism.

Entry is free subject to availability.