Guided Tours

Visita guidata alla scoperta della Fano sotterranea (ritrovo in Via Vitruvio 9 di fronte alla Chiesa di Sant'Agostino)

Guided tour to discover the underground Fano (meeting point in Via Vitruvio 9 in front of the Church of Sant'Agostino)

Guided tour to discover the underground Fano (meeting point in Via Vitruvio 9 in front of the Church of Sant'Agostino)

Guided tour to discover the underground Fano (meeting point in Via Vitruvio 9 in front of the Church of Sant'Agostino)

Guided tour to discover the underground Fano (meeting point in Via Vitruvio 9 in front of the Church of Sant'Agostino)

Guided tour to discover the underground Fano (meeting point in Via Vitruvio 9 in front of the Church of Sant'Agostino)

Guided tour to discover the underground Fano (meeting point in Via Vitruvio 9 in front of the Church of Sant'Agostino)

Guided tour to discover the underground Fano (meeting point in Via Vitruvio 9 in front of the Church of Sant'Agostino)

Guided tour to discover the underground Fano (meeting point in Via Vitruvio 9 in front of the Church of Sant'Agostino)

Guided tour for the underground Fano (meeting point Via Vitruvio 9 di fronte alla Chiesa di Sant'Agostino)