
Visit to the Patregnani Mill and Fossil Forest with BiciPiù Chiaravalle and FIAB Senigallia Km 70 Fano - Monterado (and back)


We add 10 km to the classic to get further up Km 90 Fano - Kiosk of the Eagles (and return)


Two-day ride along the Marecchia River cycle path. From Fano to Novafeltria, passing through Rimini with return the following day. Km 85 + 85 Fano - Rimini - Novafeltria (and back)


Domenica 17 Dicembre 2023, FIAB Fano FOR-BICI, AGFI, Unicità Insieme, Alma Juventus Fano, La Centinarolese, Metauro Team Bike, ASI Pesaro Urbino, AVIS Fano ed Aspassobike, anche quest'anno organizzano l'evento "PEDALATA DI NATALE".

Una semplice pedalata aperta a tutti per le vie del Centro Storico, per innalzare il senso di corresponsabilità ed inclusione e per rafforzare la rete fra le associazioni, per promuovere l'utilizzo della bicicletta per tutti e tutti i giorni, anche grazie all'utilizzo delle moderne special bike!!!

Masked ride from Fano to Pesaro organized by FIAB Fano For-Bici on the occasion of Carnival 2024. Fano street circuit


The success of the public and the great attention received by the first edition of Solidarte, the charity auction organized last June by the Rotary Club of Fano, prompted the Association to organize this second edition, scheduled for Sunday 7 May, at 5.00 pm , at the church of the Suffrage of Fano.

The appointment for those who love to read and knit

A way to get to know people by combining a passion for the world of books, knitting and embroidery. Bring your projects, ideas and advice to share. Open to beginners and not!

Edited by Paola Bartoletti and Anna Sandrolini, Friends of Fano Libraries Association