
Balcone Palazzo Bracci Pagani
Dixie’s Brothers

Jacopo Fagioli, tromba 
Paolo Acquaviva, trombone 
Andrea Angeloni, tuba 
Paolo Ceccarelli, banjo

Balcone Piazza Costanzi
The Jazz Words

Enea Giulini, chitarra 
Sharina Bryan, voce

Si ringraziano i proprietari dei balconi 

Il concerto prevede la partecipazione del coro della Cappella Musical del Duomo di Fano, diretto dal Maestro Stefano Baldelli e accompagnati all'organo dal Maestro Alessandro Felicioli.

Eseguite musiche e canti tradizionali di Natale, nonché composizioni degli autori: Monteverdi, Cima, Asola, Baldelli, Ripini, Fauré, Rutter, Lauridsen, Nystedt


Cappella Musicale del Duomo di Fano

  • E-Motion Live Poetry

      Live meeting of cinema and poetry with the poet Stefano Sorcinelli

      December 2, 2023 at 5:00 pm

  • E-Motion Soundtrack Bus

      Sound alternatives for great films

      December 2, 2023 at 7:00 pm

favore dell'Oasi dell'Accoglienza
In programma musiche natalizie, standard jazz e brani tratti da musical interpretati dalla voce di Clarissa Vichi


Complesso bandistico Città di Fano

Special Guest Clarissa Vichi

Dirigre M° Daniele Rossi

Presenta Anna Rita Ioni

The Florida Fellowship Super Choir Gospel Choir is a Faith, Family and Brotherhood group. Founded in 2017, it features over 100 singers, songwriters, conductors and musicians of all faiths and denominations from every region of the State of Florida. In 2023, under the leadership of their Founder and Executive Director, Corey Edwards they celebrated 7 years in business. They were the winners of the 2022 Large Choir category in the “How Sweet the Sound” competition, an international competition hosted by Donald Lawrence, featuring celebrity gospel judges such as Dr.

Suggestive walk to the tunes of jazz, from the balconies of Palazzo Bracci Pagani and Piazza Costanzi.

Balcone Palazzo Bracci Pagani
G,G & Robert G

Roberto Gazzani, sax baritono
Gigi Faggi, tromba, voce
Giorgio Caselli, tromba , trombone

Balcone Piazza Costanzi
De Sanctis /Langer Duo 

Costanza De Sanctis, voce
Andrès Langer, tastiere

The P- Funking Band was born from the common passion of a group of musicians from different artistic backgrounds, who decided to create a marching band that fuses music and movement in its performances. A fresh, original and explosive blend of funk, disco music, hip hop, soul, rhythm'n'blues and jazz revisited in a marching key, which complements the choreographies in which the whole band participates.

Like all "world works", Licht (Light), Karlheinz Stockhausen's masterpiece, is an encyclopedic, polyphonic, open, highly cultured, stratified, didactic, interminable work".

Licht is actually a Heptalogy, like, a cycle of seven different works. Each of them bears the title of a day of the week, from Monday to Sunday.

musicologist, journalist, writer