Tre incontri per scoprire storia e sapori della Moretta fanese tra barman, giornalisti e pasticceri
Due chiacchiere sul micromondo della spiaggia davanti a uno Spritz, alla scoperta della biodiversità invisibile!
Con Federica Semprucci, ricercatrice Uniurb e Fano Marine Center
an interesting cycle of seminars organized by the Biotechnology Department of the University of Urbino Carlo Bo in collaboration with the Carifano Foundation and FanoAteneo.
with Stefano Gambardella
an interesting cycle of seminars organized by the Biotechnology Department of the University of Urbino Carlo Bo in collaboration with the Carifano Foundation and FanoAteneo.
with Mirco Fanelli
an interesting cycle of seminars organized by the Biotechnology Department of the University of Urbino Carlo Bo in collaboration with the Carifano Foundation and FanoAteneo.
with Stefano Amatori
an interesting cycle of seminars organized by the Biotechnology Department of the University of Urbino Carlo Bo in collaboration with the Carifano Foundation and FanoAteneo.
with Luca Galuzzi
an interesting cycle of seminars organized by the Biotechnology Department of the University of Urbino Carlo Bo in collaboration with the Carifano Foundation and FanoAteneo.
with Anna Casabianca
an interesting cycle of seminars organized by the Biotechnology Department of the University of Urbino Carlo Bo in collaboration with the Carifano Foundation and FanoAteneo.
with Anna Maria Ruzzo
an interesting cycle of seminars organized by the Biotechnology Department of the University of Urbino Carlo Bo in collaboration with the Carifano Foundation and FanoAteneo.
with Barbara Citterio
Il femminile dentro e fuori le pagine dei libri per ragazze e ragazzi
Sabato 18 e domenica 19 novembre 2023