
Born to recover and enhance the maritime tradition, Brodetto Fest, which reaches its 21st edition in 2023, has become a national reference point for all initiatives related to the celebration of seafood, with the aim of enhancing the entire fishing industry.

For a weekend Fano will become the Mediterranean capital of Extra Virgin Olive Oil: conferences, awards, meetings, tastings, competitions, sensory workshops, presentations and promotional initiatives aimed at professional tasters, producers, enthusiasts and, above all, children.

Associazione O.L.E.A.
Laboratorio Esperti Assaggiatori - APS

For you who are looking for the ideal place for your first spring outing, Metaurilia offers a weekend with the flavors and landscapes of the past. On 15 and 16 April 2023, Piazzale Alceo Pucci is transformed into a square, a welcoming and narrating place between the blue of the sea and the charm of the countryside where you can discover the rural village of Metaurilia and learn about its "cabbage" history.