
‘Semel in anno licet insanire’, ‘una volta all’anno è permesso far pazzie’, questa antica licenza romana sembra aver trovato terreno fertile a Fano, la città del Carnevale, sede di uno dei più famosi carnevali d’Italia.

Oltre un mese di festeggiamenti: le vie e la gente della città si spogliano delle usuali abitudini, si tuffano in quel turbinio di feste e sfilate che il Carnevale di Fano offre senza alcuna parsimonia e tutti finiscono per rimanere coinvolti nella gaia atmosfera di spensierato divertimento.

The historical re-enactment of Fano in which the glories of the Malatesta Lordship will be relived! Organized by the historical group La Pandolface, it is the result of increasingly detailed philological research, also thanks to the support of the Centro Studi Malatestiani. The event includes historical reconstruction spaces with markets, shows such as the Wedding of Pandolfo Malatesta and many activities and spaces also dedicated to children, in addition to the famous games of the districts.

Passaggi Festival della Saggistica, now in its 11th edition, is the only Italian cultural event dedicated to books of this literary genre dedicated to analysis and study, comparison and in-depth analysis.
It is promoted and organized by the social promotion association Passaggi Cultura in collaboration with Librerie Coop.

From Arcades to vinyl records, from the advent of synthesizers to the cars that made films and TV series famous... all this and much more are the glorious 80s, which in Italy represented a watershed between the years of lead and the advent of the digital revolution. That incredible period lives on today thanks to Boomerang, a festival to tell the story of the last decade before the internet and cell phones, which will bring out numerous memories in the older ones and will be able to amaze and fascinate the younger ones.

Born to recover and enhance the maritime tradition, Brodetto Fest, which reaches its 21st edition in 2023, has become a national reference point for all initiatives related to the celebration of seafood, with the aim of enhancing the entire fishing industry.

Established in 1982, "La Fortuna d'Oro" aims to publicly express the gratitude of the entire Fano community to the citizens born in the municipality of Fano who have brought prestige to the city and who have distinguished themselves in activities in the related sectors to culture, science, sport and society.

Comune di Fano

The 4th edition of "Sulle note della Fortuna" organized by the "Tra le Note" association and the Fondazione Teatro della Fortuna is scheduled for 2 and 3 June. The competition involves the involvement of Italian primary schools for 400 girls and boys who, after presenting an unreleased piece, will be evaluated by a qualified jury and will participate in the final on June 3 at the Fortuna theater accompanied by an orchestra.